Wow, almost 4 months since my last post! It's not like there hasn't been much happening around here. There has been a lot happening, and therefore a lack of time for me to write new posts.
So last weekend we went to Seattle. I'd enrolled in a one-day photography class months ago with the Nikon School, and we decided to make a little family trip out of it. We went a day early so we could spend a day checking out the city. We spent a fair amount of time at the Pike Street Market, and then at the aquarium. Of course, the girls were just as happy to hang out in the hotel, running races in the hallways and splashing around in the pool with Daddy.
The same day of our return to Victoria, my good buddy, Shin, and his new wife, Naoko, flew from Tokyo to Vancouver, then took the ferry over to the island and spent about 5 days and nights here with us - sightseeing, playing with the girls, drinking Canadian beer and Japanese shochu with us in the evenings. We all had a fabulous visit, and I miss them so much already!
Then this past weekend, the 4 of us took the ferry to the mainland to meet the newest additions to our family: fraternal twin boys, Oliver and Calvin, who were born on March 3rd at 11:59pm and March 4th a couple of minutes later! They are insanely adorable and totally precious. Holding them made me realize that my little Hana-chan is no longer a little baby, but a skookum toddler now!
On Monday, we spent the night at the impressive Pan Pacific Hotel in Vancouver because Paul had an all-day meeting nearby. Once again, the girls enjoyed running races in our spacious room and soaking with us in the hot tub outside on the 8th floor (spectacular view!).
My mom arrives tomorrow to babysit while Paul and I go here for a mini-vacation sans kids! It's the first time we'll both be away from both kids for more than a day, and the final stage of weaning little Hana-chan.
Then my big, little girl turns *gasp* FOUR YEARS OLD on Tuesday! My, how time flies...